Flora Massage and Wellness Services
8299 IN 43
Solsberry, IN 47459
If you enter the address in google enter "8299 IN 43, Solsberry, IN" and the directions should match the following from the west side of Bloomington:
From Ivy Tech Community College
200 Daniels Way
Bloomington, Indiana
Follow IN-48 for 4.6 miles
Turn left onto IN-43 N for 2.4 miles
Flora will be on your right.
If you overshoot the drive, turn around at the Hendricksville Diner. Flora will be the second drive on your left.
From the Walmart Super Center
3313 W State Road 45
Bloomington, Indiana
Follow W State Road 45 for 4.4 miles.
Turn right onto Elwren Road (you will see Abell Nursery and Landscape on your left just before Elwren).
Follow Elwren Road for approximately 2 miles.
Turn right onto 1310 E (County Line Road). Follow for 2.6 miles.
Turn right onto IN State Road 43. Follow for .5 miles.
Flora will be on your left, two drives past the Hendricksville Diner.
From Linton:
The best route is through Solsberry. From the Solsberry post office head northeast on IN 43 for 6.7 miles. Flora will be the second drive on the left past the Hendricksville Diner.